Take One Day at A Time

The past couple of challenging weeks have been less than ideal. A pandemic, global lock-downs, prolonged self-isolation, and the lot! As much as we would love to be super productive like some people, take a moment to pause and reflect. Yes, it IS hard. But what goes up, must come down and every day is a closer to the end of this. If you have been keeping an eye out on our Instagram stories, you would have noticed some culinary experiments and occasional quotes from my stack of empowerment quotes. I bought a stack from a retail outlet but added a bunch of other quotes and thoughts to it. When the need strikes, I pick a random card out of it and remind myself to practice mindfulness. Today’s quote was:
Yes, some might be more motivated to get ahead and chunk out list after list of things to do but remember to take each day at a time and remember to fit some me-time every day.
Look on the bright side! Don’t forget: This is going to be a formative time for you. What do you hope to say when your grand-kids ask what you remember about the corona virus outbreak of 2020? Make this time special and Do projects such as filming a movie about your family or learn to cook a three-course meal. Share stories about your childhood/teach others games you enjoyed as a kid.
Create some routine by setting a simple daily timetable with a mix of learning, play, family, and free time. In case you run out of ideas on how to kill your time, I have discovered a couple of free resources available and will be creating a post that. Keep an eye out for the resource list. *Usual disclaimers apply*.
I am not affiliated with them, rather I have found them useful and would just like to spread the word in case you or someone you know find it beneficial. Some links are those that I have come across/looked up, while the rest are from friends’ suggestions. If you know of any and would like to spread the word around, let us know and the post will be updated.
Meanwhile, Stay Safe and Healthy. We will get through this together, one step at a time.
Angel's Escapades